
Final终于熬完了!你想好怎么 跨年 了吗?

Final终于熬完了!你想好怎么 跨年 了吗?

在美国提到“ 跨年 ”两个字,你最先想到的是哪里?相信很多人首先想到的是到 纽约时代广场跨年。纽约时代广场的跨年晚会已有110多年的历史,是纽约著名的地标活动。每年跨年都会有近100万人聚集在时代广场,现场拥挤的情况堪比地铁早高峰。







如果你难忍冬日北方的寒冷,向往温暖的南方,不妨到佛罗里达跨年吧。12月至4月的迈阿密和奥兰多是旅行跨年绝对的首选!享受海滩的阳光和海风,看看迈阿密热火队的American Airlines Arena主场球赛,欣赏下南方的美女和美食,奥兰多也是不错的选择,迪士尼和环球影城决定不容错过!

如果你是喜欢文学的小言,选择Key West作为跨年地绝对适合你!那里是离古巴最近的岛屿,有风味独特的古巴菜,海滩也更为干净,海明威的故居也非常幽静。


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The Most Comprehensive Consultancy Services Provider that offers One-Stop Service to Chinese Students.

Founded in 2007, Indeed Education offers complete end to end consulting services to Chinese students attending U.S. universities. We are passionate about education and committed to serving as a link between Chinese students and their universities in the U.S. Our team consists of consultants who graduated from top universities in the U.S. with Bachelor or Master degrees. We pride ourselves with being able to provide customized services to each of our customers regarding their education and career planning, as well as daily life in their host country. Our mission is to help our students to obtain excellent learning experience in the United States and to launch successful career after graduation.