被选择最多的就是Entertainment Arts Track,这个分支的未来方向是朝着动画电影行业去的,涉及岗位比如Visual Development Artist,Storyboard Artist,Bacgruond Designer等。可以说,进入娱乐设计分支的学生,多半会希望进入娱乐产业从事相关工作,Shuozeng也不例外。
The Most Comprehensive Consultancy Services Provider that offers One-Stop Service to Chinese Students.
Founded in 2007, Indeed Education offers complete end to end consulting services to Chinese students attending U.S. universities. We are passionate about education and committed to serving as a link between Chinese students and their universities in the U.S. Our team consists of consultants who graduated from top universities in the U.S. with Bachelor or Master degrees. We pride ourselves with being able to provide customized services to each of our customers regarding their education and career planning, as well as daily life in their host country. Our mission is to help our students to obtain excellent learning experience in the United States and to launch successful career after graduation.
The Most Comprehensive Consultancy Services Provider that offers One-Stop Service to Chinese Students.
Founded in 2007, Indeed Education offers complete end to end consulting services to Chinese students attending U.S. universities. We are passionate about education and committed to serving as a link between Chinese students and their universities in the U.S. Our team consists of consultants who graduated from top universities in the U.S. with Bachelor or Master degrees. We pride ourselves with being able to provide customized services to each of our customers regarding their education and career planning, as well as daily life in their host country. Our mission is to help our students to obtain excellent learning experience in the United States and to launch successful career after graduation.
The Most Comprehensive Consultancy Services Provider that offers One-Stop Service to Chinese Students.
Founded in 2007, Indeed Education offers complete end to end consulting services to Chinese students attending U.S. universities. We are passionate about education and committed to serving as a link between Chinese students and their universities in the U.S. Our team consists of consultants who graduated from top universities in the U.S. with Bachelor or Master degrees. We pride ourselves with being able to provide customized services to each of our customers regarding their education and career planning, as well as daily life in their host country. Our mission is to help our students to obtain excellent learning experience in the United States and to launch successful career after graduation.
对方表示,他目前被公司派驻非洲工作,房子是租给他即将从韩国来加州读书的女儿居住。双方谈妥之后,李先生于12月13日收到对方寄来一张美国某家银行的$3,500美金支票。李先生通过电邮通知Philips已收到支票,但表示只需$1,000美金,对方支票上的钱过多。Philips向李先生解释,多汇的2,500美元是他给女儿准备的零用钱,希望李先生在自己的女儿入住之后,转交给她。李先生把支票存入账户后,Philips又突然告知李先生,自己的女儿错过了预订的航班,急需用钱买机票,让李先生通过West Union给自己的女儿汇$2,500美金。李先生觉得对方的要求十分蹊跷,心有怀疑,所以回绝了他的要求。之后,Philips不断用电邮及短信催促李先生寄支票,并想出了不少看似合理的理由。李先生虽然有些怀疑,但是还是查询了自己的银行账户,银行账户显示该张支票已经“兑现了,钱可以用了”(Clear and Available)。李先生觉得银行已经收到钱,应该没问题了,自己确实是多收了对方的钱,于是按照Philips给他的指示,把$2,500美金通过West Union汇给了一个韩国的账户。谁料到过了两天之后,李先生收到银行通知,称Philips的支票被退票,同时银行已经在他的账户中扣除了$3,500美金。这下李先生损失惨重,追悔莫及。
The Most Comprehensive Consultancy Services Provider that offers One-Stop Service to Chinese Students.
Founded in 2007, Indeed Education offers complete end to end consulting services to Chinese students attending U.S. universities. We are passionate about education and committed to serving as a link between Chinese students and their universities in the U.S. Our team consists of consultants who graduated from top universities in the U.S. with Bachelor or Master degrees. We pride ourselves with being able to provide customized services to each of our customers regarding their education and career planning, as well as daily life in their host country. Our mission is to help our students to obtain excellent learning experience in the United States and to launch successful career after graduation.