- ✔️Leadership
- ✔️Responsibility
- ✔️Impact
虽然大部分的内容会与Common App课外活动相同,但UC的课外活动更加全面。
UC课外活动提供20个空格用于填写你的活动/奖项(每个活动有350字符的描述空间),而Common App仅提供10个活动(150字符描述空间)和5个荣誉/奖项的空间。
- 奖项或荣誉 Award or honors
- 教育准备项目 Educational preparation programs
- 课外活动 Extracurricular activities
- 其他课程 Other coursework
- 志愿服务/社区服务 Volunteering / Community service
- 工作经验 Work experience
1. 在第一个填写框中填写组织名称和职位 (<60字符),不浪费下方350字符框中的字符。
– Instead of … School newspaper
– Consider: I am the editor for the school newspaper
2. 果断精简。由于字符限制,词语的选择极其重要。你还在用完整的句子吗?如果是,停止使用。填写UC课外活动的时候不必要使用完整的句子。
– Instead of … I participated in a fund-raising activity at my high school where we organized various events to raise money for community projects.
– Consider: Led successful school fund-raiser; raised $5,000 for community projects.
3. 力求多样,确保动词不冗余。
– Instead of … Organized, managed, and ran the school fundraiser.
– Consider: Coordinated logistics, motivated team, and executed event, raising $5,000 for community projects.
4. 注意时态。仍在做的事情,请使用现在时。不再做的事情,请使用过去时。
5. 强调具体的、可衡量的影响。
– Instead of … I lead the debate team.
– Consider: Led debate team to regional championships, winning 3 out of 5 rounds, and increased club membership by 30%.
6. 如果你的角色只是Member或Participant,只列出活动即可。例如,与其写Member of XXX Club,你可以只写XXX Club。
7. 包括任何能展示领导能力的职责。
– Instead of … I swim on the swim team.
– Consider: Responsible for leading swim practices, planning fundraising events, assisting in recruiting process.
8. 如果没什么可写的,或者只是一个一次性的活动怎么办?尝试提供具体内容或细节。
– Tutored students. → Assisted fourth graders with fractions and long division.
– Organized a charity bake sale. → Raised $500 for ASPCA through a one-time charity bake sale event.
– Volunteered at a beach cleanup. → Collected over 50 pounds of trash at Santa Monica Beach.
9. 描述选拔细节。读者并不了解你的活动所代表的成就,这一点非常关键。
– Instead of … I was elected as a student leader.
– Consider: 1 of 2 student leaders elected by my peers to represent our class of 450.
– Instead of … Received 1st place.
– Consider: Received 1st place out of 300 competing teams.
10. 避免使用夸张语言,并专注于实际、可衡量的目标。
– to end poverty in the world → to fight against poverty
– to save endangered species → to protect endangered species
– to make the city safe → to enhance safety in urban areas
– to solve the global hunger crisis → to address food insecurity issues
– to stop climate change → to mitigate the effects of climate change