UC申请|如何充分利用Additional Comments(上)
在准备UC网申时,除了课外活动区块,让许多同学举棋不定的就是Additional Comments栏位。这么大一个栏位究竟该如何利用,又应该要填写什么内容呢?
✅ 健康问题
健康问题是否影响到你的成绩?如果是,并且在文书中没有提及 (这点很重要),可以做出简单说明。
⭐️ A Few Tips 一些小技巧:
- 专注于提供信息:这里不需要讲故事,只需要陈述事实。请直奔主题,避免空话,保持简洁。请务必明确时间点。
- 专注于具体影响:说明健康问题对你的具体影响。比如,课堂参与受限 (缺课几天/周/月)、考试成绩下降、作业提交延误、课外活动减少。
- 专注于后续调整和改善:描述你如何调整以应对这种情况。比如,如何弥补错过的课程或作业,采取了哪些步骤来跟上进度或提高成绩。切忌长篇大论。
🌰 范例1:荷尔蒙失衡影响AP考试和期末考
Health issue (直奔主题): from March-May of 11th grade (时间点), I faced a hormone imbalance due to side-effects of a prescription medicine (健康问题). This led to muscle inflammation and inability to regularly move my fingers, wrists, and legs, impacting my preparation for AP and final exams (具体影响). I worked with my teachers to get extra help and dedicated extra hours on weekends to review materials I missed (后续调整). (374 characters)
🌰 范例2:严重的偏头痛影响小考和期中考
Severe migraines (直奔主题+健康问题) (January to March in 11th grade) (时间点) made it difficult for me to focus and resulted in missing important study sessions, which affected my performance on quizzes and mid-term exams (具体影响). To catch up, I reviewed notes during weekends and met with teachers for extra help (后续调整). By the end of the semester, my grades improved significantly (改善). (340 characters)

图源: pixabay
除了影响到成绩,健康问题也会影响到其他方面,比如课外活动。可以妥善利用Additional Comments做出说明。
🌰 范例:健康问题影响课外活动的参与
Shoulder injury (10th grade) (健康问题+时间点): I tore my rotator cuff and was unable to continue playing volleyball and tennis on my school teams (具体影响). This injury significantly altered my high school trajectory. Because I had to take six months off of playing sports (时间+影响), I had more time to take advanced classes and discovered a deep interest in migration and labor studies through AP Human Geography and a Social Problems class I took at Santa Monica College (后续调整). (386 characters)
- 简洁而具体:简要描述心理健康问题和影响,避免过多细节,专注于核心内容。
- 保持积极语气:强调克服挑战的过程,避免过度负面或情绪化的表述。
- 避免过度强调:心理健康问题应作为背景补充,不应过度强调,确保学业或其他优点得到体现。
- 强调调整恢复:强调采取的积极措施,如何调整和恢复,以及取得的成效。
- 展现成熟自觉:展示自我反思和管理心理健康的能力,体现你的成长和适应力。
🌰 范例1:创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 影响学习
I experienced symptoms of PTSD (difficulty sleeping, flashbacks, and anxiety) (直奔主题+健康问题) after a traumatic event during 10th grade (时间点). It made it hard for me to focus on my studies and participate in class (具体影响). I began attending therapy regularly, where I learned coping mechanisms like grounding techniques and relaxation exercises (后续调整). With time, I regained control over my mental health and was able to re-engage and perform well in my academics (改善). (427 characters)
🌰 范例2:焦虑症影响考试表现
I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder (直奔主题+健康问题) in 11th grade (时间点), which impacted my performance during exams. My scores were lower than expected (具体影响). I worked with a counselor to develop coping strategies, such as relaxation techniques and effective study methods (后续调整). Over time, I became better at managing my anxiety, which helped me improve my test performance and overall grades (改善). I learned to handle stress better and approach exams with a clearer mindset (学到什么). (439 characters)
求真团队坐标洛杉矶,深耕UC申请已有超过15年经验,专家团队背景雄厚,结合自身申请经验总结了UC申请的详细注意事项。本篇主要着重讨论了关于如何在Additional Comments阐述健康问题,在下篇我们会概括除了健康问题外值得填写进Additional Comments的其他事项。若同学关于本篇内容有任何疑问,欢迎联系我们。